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Maintaining Good Gut Health: What You Need To Know

Maintaining Good Gut Health: What You Need To Know

You’re probably familiar with the saying ‘healthy body, healthy mind’, and there is a genuine list of health benefits to be found within particular food types, meals containing certain vitamins or minerals and comprehensive recipes. If you’re preparing for a busy day in the office, rushing to complete deadlines, or you’re tempted to opt for convenient junk food over productivity-boosting meals, working nutritionally balanced recipes into your diet is easier said than done. Meals from POW Food however, contain valuable ingredients which can even help out your digestive system, improving overall gut health and aiding the body when it comes to fighting off various conditions and common issues.

The importance of maintaining good gut health will be detailed below, as well as some other easy tips to follow including ordering meals for work as an easy office catering solution.

What Is Gut Health?

Gut health refers to the overall health of your digestive tract and related bodily functions. A healthy gut will aid digestion of food, absorption of nutrients and even help to regulate bile, vitamin levels and a functioning immune system. Healthy bacteria should exist within your gut system as a means of warding off infectious agents - If you find yourself taking too many sick days because you’re unwell, or picking up complications from allergies, this may be due to poor gut health.

Regularly Exercise

Regular exercise is not only beneficial to cardiovascular and mental health, but it actually acts as an effective booster for your overall gut health simultaneously. Though improving the microbiome of your gut shouldn’t be the primary reason that you regularly exercise, Even minor changes can cause specific populations of microbes to expand or certain genes to become active temporarily. One of the many factors that may trigger a response from the gut microbiome is change in blood flow from exercising.

Be Selective Of Your Meals

Being selective of the food you consume can have genuine short and long-term effects on health, with sustainably sourced ingredients utilised by POW Food that are 100% natural. Made without gluten and dairy, our selection of meals for gut health includes recipes as varied as tikka masala, aubergine lasagna and healthy cottage pie. Soups,snacks and sweet treats are also specially produced with your gut health in mind.

Benefits Of A Healthy Gut

A healthy gut will result in easier weight management, improved immunity against common diseases and conditions, as well as improved sleep and moods. All of this makes for a functional working life, with less days of absence, improved productivity and overall happier employees. Specially selected and delivered meals for work will provide that energy throughout the day which keeps you on top of tasks.

Our passionate team of chefs, nutritionists and safety partners have spent time perfecting service solutions and meals for gut health which are loved by a range of professionals, regardless of dietary requirement and preferences. Considering our meals and healthy snacks for your office? Don’t hesitate to contact us today.

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