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How to Build a Healthy Daily Routine

How to Build a Healthy Daily Routine

Although it feels like it requires more energy and motivation to stick to a proper structure during your day, it can actually leave you feeling more energised and with more time to get things done. When you’re rushing your commute, skipping breakfast and going to bed late, you’re putting more stress on your body and making everything harder for yourself. Taking time to design and implement a routine will help you stay on top of things, accomplish more and feel better. Here’s our guide to building a healthy daily routine.

Why create a routine?

Investing time into your personal development and growth is something that will benefit you in the long run. By creating a routine you’ll give yourself structure, build long-lasting habits and create momentum that will make moving forward easier on days when you don’t want to. It’s important to create your own personal routine because what works for someone else probably won’t work for you. So rather than thinking you need to wake up at 4 am, even though you’re not a morning person, think about what helps you thrive and use that to your advantage. We’ve listed examples of things you may want to incorporate into your daily routine.

Choose optimal times to wake up and go to bed

If you choose a time to wake up, stick to that same time every day. Think about how long you need to get your tasks done in the morning and start your routine from there. If you find yourself rushing in the morning, go to sleep earlier so you can still get enough sleep, between 7 and 9 hours, and wake up earlier in the morning.

Exercise or meditate

Moving your body in the morning will help energise you and set you up for the day. Just 20 to 30 minutes can have huge benefits, it helps improve your circulation and encourage good lymphatic function. If you’d rather not use valuable energy first thing in the morning, meditation is also beneficial and only requires you to sit still for 10 minutes.

Eat a good breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so choose to fuel yourself with slow-release energy and food packed with fibre, vitamins and minerals. Some examples are yoghurt and nuts, vegetable omelette, overnight oats and fruit. Overnight oats are great because they can be prepared the night before, loaded up with berries, banana and peanut butter, and you can eat them in the office.

Eat a healthy lunch

It’s important to carry on your routine throughout the day and ensure you’re feeding your body with what it needs. A meal delivery service can deliver nutritious lunches to your office so you don’t even need to think about what to eat at lunchtime or rush out and buy a meal deal that lacks in taste and nutrients. POW Food focuses on creating healthy meals that increase productivity and optimise your energy levels. We can deliver to your home and office and offer catering services so that everyone in your office can receive a healthy meal as part of their daily routine. Get in touch with us today.
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