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Better Employees Enjoy The Best Lunchtimes

Better Employees Enjoy The Best Lunchtimes

BRINGING YOU a new concept by pow food.


1/3 employees don't leave their desk and feel guilty taking a lunch break while working from home.


The past year has significantly changed our work and home lives, and it's become more important than ever to work towards helping improve the mental and physical health of our nation moving forward.

The covid-19 pandemic has resulted in millions of employees working remotely and over time we began to witness an upturn in employees reporting feeling physically and mentally exhausted due to working longer hours with no division between their work and home life. 

Many employees do not leave their desk and may well feel guilty taking a lunch break so they grab quick fix food which is likely to impact their productivity and good mental health.

Workplaces that do not support wellness experience reduced productivity by 17.5%.”

At POW, we are encouraging leadership and employees to celebrate the lunch hour with our healthy meal and workout packages!

By encouraging employees to take a meaningful break where they reset and refuel, we aim to provide an easy-to-use solution for employees to both nourish themselves with our award winning ready meals, and encourage wellness ‘move and mindful’ solutions during their lunchtimes.



A game-changing solution empowering employee’s to eat well, stay fit, reduce stress, and increase performance while working from home.  Our team has worked with our nutritionists and wellness/fitness specialists to ensure the Empower offering helps optimise your energy and focus, as well as the longer term physical and mental benefits of proper nourishment, movement and mindfulness.


The Empower solution is available nationwide and includes a POW Food award-winning** ready meal and a private QR code that directs you to our curated selection of mind and body workouts delivered by POW fitness partners. Workouts range from mindful movement and strengthening with yoga and pilates, to higher intensity HIIT and stress reducing resets with breath work and meditation.

in just 3 easy steps

How does Empower work? IN just three easy steps:

  1. Heat- Pop your award-winning, delicious, nutritionally designed POW ready meal in an oven for just 30 minutes.
  2. Move and be mindful - Scan your QR code to select your POW 20-30 minute workout, meditation walk or breath work. With something for everyone, whatever level of fitness, each POW workout is specially designed to energise, de-stress and re-set you during the working day.
  3. Change, eat and engage - Take a seat at your desk or dining table to enjoy your meal socially with your team, or mindfully on your own before you dive back into a productive afternoon of work.


"Put health and wellbeing front and centre. Ensure that employees are not overworking and remind them about the importance of maintaining their physical and mental wellbeing; taking regular breaks, eating well, fresh air and exercise."

The CIPD, for UK organisations and people professionals,February, 2021

Whether you are an employer looking to nourish your employees working from home or an employee trying to bring back a healthy balance to your routine our EmPOWer solution is right for you.   

Are you interested in finding out more about EmPOWer? Explore our page here or get in touch with us today through

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