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How to Beat the Winter Blues when you Work from Home

How to Beat the Winter Blues when you Work from Home

Around 2 million people in Britain suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), while even more endure a milder version of the condition. SAD is a form of depression triggered by lack of sunlight with symptoms including: feeling slow; having less energy; excessive eating and sleeping; struggling to concentrate; withdrawing from friends and family and feeling sad. As we enter another winter with a large number of workplaces still implementing work from home or hybrid policies, more people will be struggling with depression during the winter months. Here’s how to avoid slipping into a wintery slump:

Get your body moving

Working out causes the body to release endorphins, the famously happy hormone that promote positive feelings like pleasure, happiness and even love. If you don’t have time to make it to the gym, working out at home during your lunch break is an ideal way to give yourself a midday burst of feel-good hormones. Pilates, yoga or a HIIT workout is a great way to get your heart rate up and will make you feel refreshed and recharged.

Eat well

When feelings of depression creep in, it feels natural to choose comfort foods like chocolate, biscuits and crisps, all of which are high in unsaturated fats and will end up making you feel worse. The brain is a glucose-hungry organ and eating large amounts of sugar and carbohydrates will be sure to send you into a slump. Rather than choosing foods like this, opt for healthy options like whole foods that are filled with vitamins and minerals and aid digestion, support gut health and boost your immune system. A healthy meal delivery service will provide you with fresh ready meals designed to increase energy, focus and productivity.

Talk to your doctor

Many of us tend to feel a little glum when the colder weather hits, but some people experience full-on depression known as SAD. If you’re experiencing tiredness, oversleeping, weight gain and irritability and it’s affecting your day-to-day life, you may be experiencing SAD. If your symptoms are severe, it’s worth consulting a professional for help. You can also consider upping your vitamin D intake, moving your desk closer to a window or purchasing a special lamp that simulates sunlight.

Get out of the house when you can

Working from home on your own can leave you feeling very isolated and lonely. Try and make plans with friends at least once a week so you have something to look forward to. It can be as simple as meeting up with a friend for a walk through the park on your lunch break or trying out a new cafe on the weekend. POW Food introduces wellness into the workplace with healthy meal delivery and workout packages. Our meals are designed to make you feel good all day long, packed with nutrients and whole foods. Our Empower package offers pilates, yoga, HIIT and mediation practices that you can do at home. To find out more, visit our website.
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