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Postpartum Nutrition: An Ultimate Guide

Postpartum Nutrition: An Ultimate Guide

Whether you’ve just given birth to your little one, or wish to plan ahead for the future, it is important to think carefully about what you’re putting in your body, both to nourish your body and help your baby grow if you’re breastfeeding them. While your diet may change from when you are pregnant, a lot of the reasons you ate food during pregnancy remain the same postpartum, but you can make a few changes now that your baby is born. 

Read on to find out more about postpartum nutrition.

Why Postpartum Nutrition Matters

Postpartum nutrition is essential in getting your body back to the way it was before. It can help speed up recovery by restoring lost energy. This is why you should have a healthy diet packed full of nutrients to help promote milk production and support your overall well-being. Being a new parent isn’t an easy job, so your diet should aim to give you all you need to get through this difficult time.

What To Focus On

If you’re used to healthy eating, postpartum nutrition probably won’t differ too much from your usual diet. You want to eat healthy food that will give you the vitamins and minerals you need, so focus on plenty of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, low-fat protein and fat-free dairy products.

Some of the more unique nutrients a new parent should focus on are omega-3 fatty acids, choline and iodine. Choline is present in breast milk so helps with a baby's brain development. Choline-heavy food includes meat, poultry, fish, eggs and whole grains. Iodine supports infant growth as well and is present in food such as milk, yoghurt, cheese, seaweed and seafood.

What Not To Eat

While you may be craving a big, greasy burger after giving birth, you should still be staying clear of fast food for some time, especially if you’re trying to return to your pre-pregnancy body weight.  You should also stay away from too much caffeine. Some caffeine is still fine, but if you’re breastfeeding it may cause caffeine stimulation in your child. You should also avoid drinking until you are done with breastfeeding.

New Parent Meal Boxes From Pow Food

If you are a new parent seeking some quality nutrition, or a friend looking to treat your friends with a new baby to some delicious meals, work with Pow Food today. We offer mouth-watering ready meal boxes to customers, including New Mum and New Parents survival boxes.

They’re packed with some of our amazing dishes that emphasise the power of wellness, including options such as our Golden Goan Fish Curry, Vegan Sweetcorn Chowder, Sesame-Crusted Organic Tofu Teriyaki and Organic Vegetable Broth.

Our meals are designed to be cooked in minutes, so if your hands are full with a little one, you can simply cook with little disruption. Our meals are made with 100% natural ingredients, helping to support your immune system and gut health, while giving you energy and all you need during postpartum.

Shop online today for quality food boxes and ready-prepped meals, or give us a call on 0245 340 5397 if you have any questions about our products.

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